Man-made Errors, Man-made Needs

Somehow we still don’t understand the true extent of the government man In a land before time, we were still kicking the same can. We still worried about the right clothes and getting a tan. How about the real war on drugs and where it came from? The masks behind the curtains, keeping us blinded […]

The Only Thing I Want

Imagine a life with no distractions… No phones, candle lit nights… Just the company of those close, telling stories like they used to. Playing cards and enjoying each other’s presence. Not all of this madness and stress. No such mess and breathless death. A reoccurring poem in my heart A neverending dream that I’ve had from […]


Originally posted on ChinHooi Ng's Poetic Notes:
Dream is a mountain a legend standing firm dream is a long long river holding an eternal theme dream is a little boat bearing the oath of a millennium dream you’re the banquet of youth that never ends the poem of life that never changes the lamp…

Screaming and Running

I’m screaming. I’m running from evil. Exhausted from the fight Chasing after the light I have no time for politics. Can we drop the bullshit? Call it quits? I’m just trying to live here. I’m just trying to be one with the earth. Embrace the soul given to me at birth Exhausted from the unnecessary […]

Without thinking, I’m thinking. Without notice, I’m working. I’m forever on even when I’m not. I’m sleeping in a cubicle, taking calls from my future. Questions like “How come my insurance canceled?” Responding with “Please hold let me transfer to the department of answers.” Been on hold for a long time. The music stopped playing […]

I’m Trying (W.I.P)

I’ve tried for soo long To be rich To just work forever but.. I never found a groove that’s clever I’ve known my true calling, a destined survivor but tonight I motivated someone. In my life, I’ve changed and saved friends and family from the end.. You can’t put a price on that My bank […]