The Will of My Fire

Originally posted on Guide to a Better Mind and Understanding.:
I have the right to dream. You can not steal my freedom, My right to choice. You shall not restrain my will You will not mute my voice. I was born with pride and fury, I will not fail. To this day, I have overcome…

Getting Through

I’ll be down to my last few bucks soon. I work so much to just cover the bases. I take a shower every night In hopes of cooling the fires off. Lately, it hasn’t been enough. A prisoner to the weight I’ve become. So overwhelmed that I just feel dumb. As a man, I say […]

In a Burning Forest

None shall trespass.My Individual desires are just that.We are complex and simple.Complex in our confusion.Simple in our necessity.Like the perfect recipe,Smothered in stress. Early death pours downTo those who are lost.You say “why me?”But to be honest, we all split the cost. Diamonds hidden under the rumbleOf a catchy beat and chorus.Beautiful redwood trees, Hidden in […]